Gross Regional Domestic Product of Subang Regency by Expenditure 2015-2019 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Subang Regency

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Gross Regional Domestic Product of Subang Regency by Expenditure 2015-2019

Catalog Number : 9302019.3213
Publication Number : 32130.2006
Publishing Frequency : Annualy
Release Date : May 29, 2020
Language : Indonesian and English
File Size : 1.65 MB


One indicator to determine the economic conditions in a region in a given period is the Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP) data, both at current prices and at constant prices. GRDP basically is the amount of added value generated by all business units in a particular country, or is the total value of goods and final services produced by all economic units. PDRB at current prices illustrates the added value of goods and services calculated using applicable prices every year. Whereas the GRDP at constant prices shows the added value of goods and services calculated using prices for a given year as a basis. GRDP at current prices can be used to see shifts and economic structures. GRDP based on constant prices to find out economic growth in a period to period (year to year or quarter to quarter). In this publication the base year used is 2010 and this will naturally reflect the current economic structure
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