Index of Consumer Tendency (ITK) Jawa Barat in Quarter I-2013 of 104.14. - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Subang Regency

Waktu Normal Layanan Pelayanan Statistik Terpadu BPS Kabupaten Subang, setiap Senin - Jumat pukul 08.00 s.d. 15.30 (Istirahat Pukul (12.00 - 13.00)

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Index of Consumer Tendency (ITK) Jawa Barat in Quarter I-2013 of 104.14.

Release Date : August 12, 2024
File Size :  MB


The Consumer Tendency Index (ITK) is an indicator of the latest economic developments produced by BPS Statistics through the Tendency Survey of Consumers (STK). ITK is a composite index of household perceptions egarding consumer economic conditions and consumption behavior on the economic situation in the current quarter and forecasts for the coming quarter. STK began in West Java in 2011 with the number of samples every quarter as many as 2,560 households. The Tendency Index of Consumers (ITK) in West Java in quarter I-2013 amounted to 104.14 means that consumer economic conditions in the first quarter of this year increased from the previous quarter. But the level of consumer optimism is lower when compared to the fourth quarter of 2012 (ITK value of 107.88).
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