West Java Farmers Exchange Rate in May 2020 amounted to 100.44 or decreased 1.56 percent (2018 = 100) - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Subang Regency

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West Java Farmers Exchange Rate in May 2020 amounted to 100.44 or decreased 1.56 percent (2018 = 100)

Release Date : June 15, 2020
File Size : 0.38 MB


West Java NTP decreased by 1.56 percent compared to April 2020, from 102.04 to 100.44. The price index of agricultural production (IT) fell by 1.51 percent and the price index of goods and services consumed by farmers (IB) rose by 0.06 percent. NTP grew negatively because the increase in IT was smaller than the increase in IB. In May 2020, only one in 5 (five) subsectors experienced an increase, namely the Fisheries subsector, which was 0.39 percent
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