One of the stages of Regsosek 2022 activities is the processing of data generated from field data collection. To obtain quality data processing results, BPS Kabupaten Subang held the Regsosek 2022 Processing Officer Training at Puslah (processing center) STIE Sutaatmadja Campus Jl Otista No.76 Subang for four effective days, 12-15 December 2022.
The training was opened by the Head of Subang Regency BPS, Muhammad Sholihin and attended by 186 participants (who had passed the selection process) and divided into 8 classes.
There were 8 instructors involved, namely, Yuke Musliawan, Karyono, Didit Hermawan, Elven Sukirno, Yaya Sukarya, Rusmanto, Ferstian Firmanogi, Nur Apri Aprilia who delivered material related to the Regsosek processing application and practical activities for processing Regsosek documents (Regsosek-K List).
It is hoped that in the future officers can process Regsosek data according to the target, completed on time. This activity is one of the efforts of BPS Subang Regency to produce quality data for one social protection and community empowerment program data.